socials skills projects courses
cartoon character with brown hair and glasses

Cassandra Haydock

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Third-year Computer Science student at Trent University.



Movie Collection

This is a full-stack website made over the length of the Web Development (COIS-3420) course at Trent University. This website used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create and style the site. We used PHP to access, traverse, and manipulate an SQL database using queries with user-inputted data. The site is fully functional, with a login, account creation, password reset, sticky input fields in which users could dynamically update information, and more. The site also included some interactive features such as a word count that changes with each word typed, a modal pop-up, and collapsing navigation.

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Cloth-Simulation in C++ using Verlet Integration and visualized using SFML library. The cloth starts at the top of the screen and cascades down with the force of gravity (with the top row staying pinned to the top of the screen). Every little while a random point on the cloth will be moved to demonstrate the movement physics of the cloth.

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Computer Graphics

Within my Computer Graphics course I have built multiple small WebGL programs that demonstrate the fundamentals of Computer Graphics. For my the final project for the course, I built an off-brand Super Mario Bros in Unity using solely primitive shapes through tutorials and personal research. Alongside the game, I submitted a paper containing an analysis of the most important Unity functions I utilized.


Built a functional single-player Hangman game using Javascript, HTML, and CSS. The game uses the canvas function in JavaScript to draw the stage, shows the users which letters/words they have already guessed, and dynamically fills the spaces when a letter/word is correctly guessed. The game will be updated to include more in-depth features such as more features on the hangman to allow for more guesses, guessing phrases/sentences, and more.

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Tip Distribution

Built a C# program to efficiently calculate the distribution of tips to employees. The project contains a defined Worker object with specific properties, a personally defined Doubly Linked List data structure to hold and manipulate the data, and a main function that handles user input, calls functions, and writes to and from a file.

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Relevant Courses

  • Fundamentals of Operating Systems
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Web Application Development
  • Software Design & Modelling
  • Database Management Systems
  • High Performance Computing
  • Systems Programming
  • Data Mining